Permanent, Rehabilitative or Limited Duration Alimony
Find Out What Type of Alimony You Could Be Eligible For
Under New Jersey law, there are four categories of alimony. They are:
- Permanent alimony is not necessarily "permanent", but rather represents alimony for an indefinite period of time. Permanent alimony usually exists when the length of the marriage and the economic dependency of one spouse upon another is such that there needs to be an open-ended commitment of support from one spouse to the other, until one of the spouses dies. The court decides upon the amount of permanent alimony by applying the various alimony factors. If you or your partner are seeking permanent alimony, our Monmouth County divorce attorneys may be able to help.
- Rehabilitative alimony follows a specific rehabilitative plan for the alimony recipient who intends to become self-supporting at the completion of the rehabilitative period. For example, when two spouses have comparable college degrees and then one of the spouses becomes a stay at home parent for a period of time. During the rehabilitative period, the spouse who stayed at home receives supplemental training or education so he or she can return to the workforce. Should the end of the rehabilitative period come and the spouse undergoing the training or education ("rehabilitation") is not in a position to return to the workforce, then the plan may be extended.
- Reimbursement alimony involves reimbursement to a spouse who provided financial assistance to the other, so that the other spouse could obtain a professional degree.
Limited duration alimony is alimony that is paid for a specific period of time, and upon completion of the limited duration term, the alimony terminates. Limited duration alimony usually exists when the marriage is not of a sufficient duration to justify the long-term permanent alimony. The alimony amount and duration is based upon the same application of the alimony factors.
New Jersey alimony laws do change. To make sure you have the most up-to-date information, contact an experienced New Jersey divorce attorney who keeps current with all the divorce laws.
Not Sure What Type of Alimony is Best for You? Call Us.
If you are not sure what type of alimony is best for you, call the Monmouth County alimony lawyers at the Law Office of Steven P. Monaghan, LLC. We have 60+ years of combined experience and are ready to guide you. Your first consultation is always free.
To get started, call our office at (732) 624-6343 and schedule your appointment.

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